Our Breathing Earth

Happy New Year!!!


So one day , my sister Natasha announced to me that there’s a blueberry nestling in her belly.




Uh huh…sounds lovely…


I appreciate that she considered my love for food and that I’m terribly dumb in Science, but I think I can handle the word fetus just fine — thank you very much.

(Hurriedly googling “fetus signs and symptoms”)

I’m practically glowing! For her of course. We’re only one year apart, but grew up like twins because it’s just the two of us. So I feel like it’s really ME who’s baking all these sumptuous blueberry cheesecakes!

High five! Fist bump! Bottoms up! Belly goooooood! 




I’m beyond happy for my my sister, especially because she has been through a lot, health-wise, since she suffered a miscarriage last last year.

Natasha’s husband Toby is terrified with this new development, it was amazing watching his simpatico hacendado bravado slough off faster than boiled potato skin, when I told him, straight faced and with full conviction, “Tob, your child could and may very well be, a chipmunk.”








I was kidding, I think.

Toby’s study is now swamped with “What to Expect When You’re Expecting” types of scientific research and he and my sister go to all these parent craft classes, attend specialized exercise sessions and eat the most proper food. Eat the most proper foods is our people’s version of purgatory (may include but not limited to anguish, agony and woe). So I feel for Natasha, but I know she’s going to be the greatest mom.

They’re going to be wonderful parents!

I mean this is five years in-the-waiting!

I’m also in awe at how Toby and Tash remained steadfast in their courage and faith, through those heart-wrenching moments.



blueberry sprouts

This little blessing is truly a testament that no matter how meandering and in disarray the journey, things eventually fall into place.

This new year, my wish is that your journey will also be inspired, and purposeful, will make you understand things you’ve never realized before, and will lead where you desire and ought to be.




Happy New Year 2017